business online

How to start your business online


Creating an online business is a very attractive alternative for entrepreneurs. Indeed, accomplishing all the formalities of creation online is a real time saver.

However, carrying out these procedures alone online can be complex. Thus, it is also possible to choose an online service provider to perform them.

Good to know: entrusting the creation of a business to an online platform, such as LegalPlace, allows you to benefit from personalized support, attractive rates and not having to deal with any administrative pitfalls.

Carrying out the business creation formalities on your own saves money. However, you will have to be very careful in drafting the statutes . Indeed, depending on the type of company to be created, mandatory information must appear and certain pre-established models do not mention it.

Conversely, if you solicit a service provider or a professional online , the latter will carry out all the steps necessary to create your business.

Please note: despite a largely dematerialized procedure, certain specific steps cannot be carried out online. This is the case in particular for the subscription of contributions in kind and their evaluation by a contributions auditor, if necessary.

What form to choose to create an online business?

Before creating an online company , the entrepreneur must make sure to choose a legal form in order to take the right steps.

🔎 Zoom : Since business creation formalities are often long, LegalPlace offers to create your business online . To do this, simply fill out an online form and provide the requested supporting documents. Our formalists then process your request and accompany you throughout the procedure.

What is the procedure to follow ?

The procedure to follow to create an online business may vary depending on whether it is a self-employed company or another form of company, such as a SAS, a SARL, etc.

Steps to start a self-employed business

The creation of a freelance online business follows the completion of the steps below:

If you opt for an online business creation, special attention should be paid to the drafting of the statutes.

Indeed, if you write the statutes of your company alone, you can find models of SAS statutes , SASU statutes , SARL statutes on the internet.

Please note: despite the existence of pre-established models on the internet, mandatory information must appear in the statutes. The contractor must therefore ensure that these particulars appear there and insert optional clauses if necessary.

Conversely, if this task is entrusted to an online service provider, a form will have to be completed, and at the end, statuses will be automatically generated according to the answers given to the form.

Note: if you request an online service provider, the latter is responsible for collecting all your documents and sending them to the one-stop shop in order to register the company.

In addition, each founding partner must attach the following documents to the business creation file:

Finally, if you carry out the formalities for setting up a business online on your own, since January 1, 2023, all you have to do is send all the documents to the one-stop shop so that it can send them to the competent registration entities.

Some platforms offer different levels of support. Thus, the greater the support, in particular for specific requests at the status level with several partners, the more the price of the service is likely to increase.

Thus, before contracting with a platform, it is necessary to clearly target your needs and expectations . Indeed, depending on the different levels of support offered by the platform, it is possible to opt for:

Good to know: in addition to the business creation formalities, some platforms offer entrepreneurs additional services conducive to centralized business management within the same entity, such as a domiciliation service, accounting software , etc. However, such services are likely to increase the price of the overall service.

What type of company to create to start an activity?

To start an activity, entrepreneurs generally opt for a limited liability company, such as a SARL or an EURL if there is only one partner, or even an SAS or a SASU for a single partner.

Can you start an online business for free?

It is impossible to create a company completely for free. Indeed, in all cases costs will have to be incurred to publish a notice of creation in a newspaper of legal announcements and to register the company. Ensure hassle-free personal legal document translations! Tokyo based Certified Translation Japan guarantees acceptance, globally – Peace of mind guaranteed.

Why write a business plan before starting a business?

Writing the business plan is an essential step in the development of the business creation project. Indeed, it makes this project a reality. It should have several parts, such as a summary of the project, the presentation of the project, the team, the objectives and the business strategy. It must also state any difficulties.